The Japan Bible Institute Ministries is formally organized with a Board
of Directors and Articles of Organization, Constitution, and By-Laws. We
are affiliated with the Full Gospel of Christ Fellowship, Inc. In accordance
with Rom.13:1-7, (sanctioning Human Government), The Japan Bible
Institute Ministries has properly contacted the Japan Educational
Ministries who, because our offerings are entirely religious, has granted
us permission to carry on our activities of granting religious degrees.
The Japan Bible Institute Minisreies (Calvary Reformed Bible Institute) is fully accredited by WORLD
anyone wishing to contact them for verification may write to: The WWAC, Dr. Paul Richardson Executive
President, 2800 Blendwell Rd. Richmond, Va. 23224.
We wish to make it perfectly clear that due to the principle of separation
of Church and state Mk. 12:17;Ja. 4:4;2Cor. 6:14, the WWAC has chosen not
to seek endorsement by either EAES or COPA, but is a rapidly growing
and respected network of over 200 schools on the cutting edge of the
cause of Christ.
Japan Bible Institute Ministries
is certified by the AACT
as a “Certified Academic Institution”
The Japan Bible Institute Ministries is open to all Christians of good
moral character. We are happy to instruct and train God’s Children
regardless of: Race, Nationality, Color, Cultural profile,
Denominational background, Class, Gender, Economic status, or Ethnic
Origin Every student is admitted to the same educational programs,
rights, privileges, and honors. And this is in conformity to Civil Rights Act
of 1964, but not because of it.
1. Those God effectually calls he also freely justifies.1 He does this, not by infusing righteousness into them but by pardoning their sins and accounting and accepting them as righteous.2 He does this for Christ’s sake alone and not for anything produced in them or done by them.3 He does not impute faith itself, the act of believing, or any other gospel obedience to them as their righteousness. Instead, he imputes Christ’s active obedience to the whole law and passive obedience in his death as their whole and only righteousness by faith.4 This faith is not self-generated; it is the gift of God.
1Romans 3:24; 8:30. 2Romans 4:5–8; Ephesians 1:7. 31 Corinthia
2. Faith that receives and rests on Christ and his righteousness is the only instrument of justification.6 Yet it does not occur by itself in the person justified, but it is always accompanied by every other saving grace. It is not a dead faith but works through love.
6Romans 3:28. 7Galatians 5:6; James 2:17, 22, 26
3. By his obedience and death, Christ fully paid the debt of all those who are justified. He endured in their place the penalty they deserved. By this sacrifice of himself in his bloodshed on the cross, he legitimately, really, and fully satisfied God’s justice on their behalf.8 Yet their justification is based entirely on free grace, because he was given by the Father for them, and his obedience and satisfaction were accepted in their place. These things were done freely, not because of anything in them,9 so that both the exact justice and the rich grace of God would be glorified in the justification of sinners.
8Hebrews 10:14; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; Isaiah 53:5, 6. 9Romans 8:32; 2 Corinthians 5:21. 10Romans 3:26; Ephesians 1:6,7; 2:7.
4. From all eternity God decreed to justify all the elect,11 and in the fullness of time Christ died for their sins and rose again for their justification.12 Nevertheless, they are not justified personally until the Holy Spirit actually applies Christ to them at the proper time.
11Galatians 3:8; 1 Peter 1:2; 1 Timothy 2:6. 12Romans 4:25. 13Colossians 1:21, 22; Titus 3:4–7.
5. God continues to forgive the sins of those who are justified.14 Even though they can never fall from a state of justification,15 they may fall under God’s fatherly displeasure because of their sins.16 In that condition they will not usually have the light of his face restored to them until they humble themselves, confess their sins, plead for pardon, and renew their faith and repentance.
14Matthew 6:12; 1 John 1:7, 9. 15John 10:28. 16Psalms 89:31–33. 17Psalms 32:5; Psalms 51; Matthew 26:75.
6. In all these ways, the justification of believers under the Old Testament was exactly the same as the justification of believers under the New Testament.
18Galatians 3:9; Romans 4:22–24.